Ulf Kroehne
Paris, 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/08
Overview Session 01
Get Started
Questions and “The Big Picture”
Paper-based assessments (PBA)
Computer-based assessments (CBA)
Can fill the missing blank, but we need to get rid of old habits
Beyond multiple-choice (i.e., multiple ways to elicit diagnostic information)
Beyond outcomes of single interaction only
Maintain Core Ideas of Psychometrics
Aim for Openness
A: Item-Level (i.e., Item and Task Design)
B: Test Level (i.e., Booklet or Test Design)
A: Item Authoring Tool
Sure, content experts can develop innovative items without actually implementing them. However, knowing a particular tool’s possibilities and flexibilities can help design standardized assessment situations to gather authentic (and innovative) diagnostic evidence.
B: Delivery Platform
Online survey tools
E-Learning tools
Various response formats, defined by QTI, e.g.,
Items are a combination of Pages, and Pages contain Components.
Learn how to use the CBA ItemBuilder to design Simple Items.
Create items with Variables and Map-based Value Displays.
Create items with Conditional Links.
Get an overview about features for Dynamic Items.
Assessments are composed by multiple Entities (items, units, task, …), which are presented either on a single pages or on multiple pages with separate areas (e.g., simulated hypertext environments).
Entities are understood as independent parts of an assessments (i.e. they can be administered at different positions, for instance, in rotated booklet designs).
The term Task is used as Technical Term. Hence a Task can be a single item, a unit, or even a complete test.
Like Microsoft Word or Open Office are editors for *.docx
files, the CBA ItemBuilder is the editor for Project Files (and Project Files are stored as *.zip
While many CBA ItemBuilder project files are typically used for a (e.g., large-scale) assessment, a signle project file is sufficient to create a PCI component.
Definition / Description of Terms (see cba.itembuilder.de)
Download and double-click CBAItemBuilder-9.8.0-windows-installer.exe
Follow the Installation Wizard (Next … Finish)
The CBA ItemBuilder is available for Windows computers (mail to request the latest version).
Open the Project File (e.g., using main menu File > Open Project
Request a preview (e.g., using main menu Project > Preview Project
Keep settings in the dialog as is (Preview Task Task01
) and confirm with OK
CBA ItemBuilder project files are ZIP archives, often automatically extracted after download. Don’t unzip the content, the CBA ItemBuilder expects ZIP archives.)
You should the the following item in your (default) browser:
Section 1.4 describes the Preview - feature.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3