Ulf Kroehne
Paris, 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/08
Overview Session 14
Explore Real-Life Item
CBA ItemBuilder Project File NumberSeriesExample.zip
and save it to NumberSeriesExampleImproved.zip
).Improvement 1: Show the Current Item Position (1., 2., 3. or 4.)
that uses the existing variable and the map to show the item position.Improvement 2: Disable Delete-Button when Input is Empty
Step 1: Disable Delete-Button when Input is Empty in Regular Items
to the start rule.unsetFrozen(PA_Keys.btDelete)
to the rules, that change the variable set(V_CurrentPosition,2)
to the rules, that change the variable set(V_CurrentPosition,1)
Step 2: Disable Delete-Button when Input is Empty in the Demo Item
The CBA ItemBuilder provides the functionalities described in this workshop and thus allows a certain degree of freedom for creating innovative items.
Do you have item ideas that fit into this framework?
Sketch an item idea
Dynamic part